America SCORES Denver
/in Grant Corner /by carlsonsWe were so proud to recognize the meaningful work of America SCORES Denver and to present them with a $5,000 grant backstage at Pen & Podium. Pictured below are program director, Kathleen Allen; and executive director, Brandon Blew from America SCORES Denver; with author Zadie Smith; executive director, Tracy Ulmer and manager of marketing, development and communications, Stacy Schafer from The Denver Post Community Foundation.
Bright by Three
/in Grant Corner /by carlsonsCongratulations to Bright by Three for their $5,000 grant presented at Denver Post Pen & Podium on Nov. 16, 2015. Pictured: Tracy Ulmer, Denver Post Community Foundation; James McBride, featured author; and Jean McSpadden, Jared Wigdor, and Alex Hellrung from Bright by Three.
The Malala Fund
/in Grant Corner /by ksharpThe Western Union Foundation joined The Denver Post Community Foundation in presenting a grant in the amount of $20,000 to The Malala Fund to further their great efforts. Malala Yousafzai was a featured speaker for The Denver Post Unique Lives and Experiences in June.
(Pictured from left to right are: Hikmet Ersek, CEO of Western Union; Ziauddin Yousafzai, Malala’s Father; Patrick Gaston, President of the Western Union Foundation; Malala Yousafzai; Tracy Ulmer, Executive Director of the Denver Post Community Foundation; and Luella Chavez D’Angelo, Chief Communications Officer of Western Union.)